I will be trying to put Postivities on daily. A lot of self help authors say to repeat Postivities daily and put them in the present as if it is already a reality not in the future because the subconsious mind will keep what your working toward in the future. So I will be posting Postivities that you can repeat daily
I now have a clear and open connection with my higher self.
You've got to be careful if you don't know where you're going 'cause you might not get there.
-Yogi Berra
From the daily motivator
Embrace the responsibility
It is not anyone else's job to make you happy or fulfilled. What you choose to be is what matters. When life is not going your way, there is nothing of value to be gained by looking for someone to blame. Instead, move beyond what has already happened and get busy exploring the positive possibilities available to you.
If you experience a disappointment or even a serious setback, that is no reason to give up hope. Though life is certainly not perfect, you are completely capable of moving forward no matter what may have happened before.
Happiness will come to you when it comes from you. Success will be yours when you choose to take responsibility for making it so.
Instead of obsessing over who might have hurt you or why or how, decide to get on with life. Instead of putting your energy into resentment, put that energy into creating meaningful greatness.
Your life is yours to live. Embrace the responsibility and all that goes with it, and your days will be filled with true richness.
-- Ralph Marston
The Atheist and the Shark
There is this atheist swimming in the ocean. All of the sudden he sees this shark in the water, so he starts swimming towards his boat.
As he looks back he sees the shark turn and head towards him. His boat is a ways off and he starts swimming like crazy. He's scared to death, and as he turns to see the jaws of the great white beast open revealing its teeth in a horrific splendor, the atheist screams, "Oh God! Save me!"
In an instant time is frozen and a bright light shines down from above. The man is motionless in the water when he hears the voice of God say, "You are an atheist. Why do you call upon me when you do not believe in me?"
Aghast with confusion and knowing he can't lie the man replies, "Well, that's true I don't believe in you, but how about the shark? Can you make the shark believe in you?"
The Lord replies, "As you wish," and the light retracted back into the heavens and the man could feel the water begin to move once again.
As the atheist looks back he can see the jaws of the shark start to close down on him, when all of sudden the shark stops and pulls back.
Shocked, the man looks at the shark as the huge beast closes its eyes and bows its head and says, "Thank you Lord for this food for which I am about to receive..."
Vermont Dumb Laws
- Whistling underwater is illegal
- At one time it was illegal to tie a giraffe to a telephone pole.
- Women must obtain written permission from their husbands to wear false teeth.
- It is illegal to deny the existence of God
- Lawmakers made it obligatory for everybody to take at least one bath each week- - on Saturday night.

Is Anger Destroying Your Life
Is Anger Destroying Your Life? Anger Management At Home
Is Anger Destroying Your Life?
- Do you feel under constant stress and pressure like you are backed into a wall and there is no way out?
- Does this feeling fill you up with rage and you take it out on others who don't deserve it?
- Has your anger made a bad situation worse?
- Have you lost family and friends because of your temper?
- Have you been passed up for job opportunities and promotions because of your "attitude"?
- Do you feel so out of control that there is no hope for you?
Don't fear, there is still hope for you yet!
You really are a good person, but haven't found an effective way to deal with the pressures of life. Before all this anger consumes you, ruins your career, destroys your family and your health, do something about it now!
Life can be great when you know how to deal with your anger. Get that boost of confidence you need to deal with any situation that has made you feel trapped in the past. By using simple techniques you can learn at home, you can reverse the damages you have created in your life and create the lifestyle you really want.
Click Here to find out how you can learn anger management at home.Playing the Prosperity Game
Playing your way to Prosperity
The Prosperity Game Free to sign up and play I love playing this game
The world is awash in money! Do you hear what that means? It is awash in money. It is flowing for everyone. It is like Niagara Falls. And most of you are showing up with your teaspoons. -- Abraham-Hicks
Smiling is infectious, You catch it like the flu. When someone smiled at me today, I started smiling too. I passed around the corner, and someone saw my grin. When he smiled I realized, I'd passed it to him. I thought about that smile, then I realized its worth. A single smile just like mine, could travel the earth. So, if you feel a smile begin, don't leave it undetected. Let's start an epidemic quick, and get the world infected!
The Prosperity Game Free to sign up and play I love playing this game
The world is awash in money! Do you hear what that means? It is awash in money. It is flowing for everyone. It is like Niagara Falls. And most of you are showing up with your teaspoons. -- Abraham-Hicks
Smiling is infectious, You catch it like the flu. When someone smiled at me today, I started smiling too. I passed around the corner, and someone saw my grin. When he smiled I realized, I'd passed it to him. I thought about that smile, then I realized its worth. A single smile just like mine, could travel the earth. So, if you feel a smile begin, don't leave it undetected. Let's start an epidemic quick, and get the world infected!
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
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