Earn Up To $150 an Hour (and more) Working Part or Full Time!
Dear Entrepreneur,
Please read this leter carefully. It is truely a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. What you will find are just the facts; no hype. There`s no need for hype because we back eveything we claim the proof!
The first questions you need to answer before reading any further is...
1) Would you like to become financially independent within the next 3 to five years?
2)Would you like to accomplish this working for yourself?
3) Are you willing to work 5 to 10 hours a week performing a simple, easy service that people and businesses urgently need?
If You Answered "Yes" Continue Reading
There is a business called DRY-TECH that has designed and developed a revolutionary new system of "dry cleaning" carpets and upholstery. It offers remarkable benefits to households and business that will completely change their penchant for using these services. We know this as fact from our research and business experience.
The market for our new and unique method of cleaning carpets and upholstery is in the millions. We`ve lined up a vast and varried list of homes and businesses that want and need our services. Here is where you come in ...
Your Opportunity
DRY-TECH urgently needs affiliates (service providers) to meet the growing demand from prospective clients. They are practically giving away business dealerships to people (men or woman) who are seriuos about making $150 an hourworking for themselves.
Before you conjure up thoughts of backbreaking work, long hours lugging cumbersome machines around or moving heavy furniture, let me set you straight! It doesn`t involve any of this! DRY-TECH has invented a superior cleaning process that can be performed with lightweight, compact machines you can store in your car. Not only do they do a superior job over taditional machines, they do it in a fraction of the time! This is an important feature because ...
You charge by the job. That`s why the profit margin is so high. Three hours of work for example, can net you $450. That`s as much or more than many professionals make who spend years in training or at college. You can make this much money starting in a matter of days, not years! DRY-TECH guarantees it !
Requirements For Becoming a Dealer
NONE ! That`s right, none ! You don`t need any experience, specific levels of education, special talents or anything else. Women or men can perform this work equally well because of the light equipment used. DRY-TECH provides you with everything you will need to clean carpets and upholstery the easy "dry way." They also provide FREE personal guidance from a crack team of business experts on any aspect of running your business. Here`s an abbreviated summary of what you will get :
A remarkably simple, instructional program you can learn in the leisure of your own home or appartment. It will get you up, running and making good profits from day one.
You`ll recieve DRY-TECH`s state-of-the-art equipment, supplies and patented cleaning formula that`s revolutioning the carpet cleaning industry.
You`ll get powerful and proven advertising and promotional materials such as PR announcements, flyers, postcard and other business generating tools that will build your customer base fast!
Why This Business CAN`T MISS!
First of all, you`ll be getting the latest, most advanced carpet and upholstery cleaning system ever developed! DRY-TECH`s patented dry cleaning system makes traditional carpet cleaning methos obsolete. You`ll find a "welcome mat" out from every business and home in your area - more business than you can possibly handle.
Second, you`ll be getting a comprehensive, all embracing business plan plus all the marketing materials and supplies you need to start making at least $500 a day (and probably much more) working just part time.
Third, your initial investment is miniscule and insignificant considering the enorous income potential of the business. In addition, it is backed by an unconditioal money back guarantee! You risk nothing! You can`t lose a penny!
You dont have to make a decision about this business now. DRY-TECH wants you to examine it in you own home at your leisure. They will send you a FREE comprehensive 16-page report. This will give you all the facts you need to decide. Simply mail your information to the address indicaded or visit the website. You have absolutely nothing to lose ( and a lot to gain) by checking it out.
Leonido Nunez
P.S. Dealer openings are strictly limited so time is of the essence. Right now, mail your information or visit the website so you get priority consideration from the list of candidates. DON`T WAIT ! Procastination could leave you on the outside, looking in.
Mail this information for the FREE REPORT
Reveals How To Make At Least $150 an Hour...
From your Home In Spare-Time!
NAME: ______________________________________
ADDRESS : _________________________________________
CITY : _______________________________________________
STATE : _________________________
ZIP : ___________________
Mail to:
Attn: Eric Levine, Suite CL20830
8920 Quartz Ave.
Northridge, CA 91324
or visit this website www.drytechsystems.com
use Promotion # or Code # CL20830 so you get priority consideration from the list of candidates.

Is Anger Destroying Your Life
Is Anger Destroying Your Life? Anger Management At Home
Is Anger Destroying Your Life?
- Do you feel under constant stress and pressure like you are backed into a wall and there is no way out?
- Does this feeling fill you up with rage and you take it out on others who don't deserve it?
- Has your anger made a bad situation worse?
- Have you lost family and friends because of your temper?
- Have you been passed up for job opportunities and promotions because of your "attitude"?
- Do you feel so out of control that there is no hope for you?
Don't fear, there is still hope for you yet!
You really are a good person, but haven't found an effective way to deal with the pressures of life. Before all this anger consumes you, ruins your career, destroys your family and your health, do something about it now!
Life can be great when you know how to deal with your anger. Get that boost of confidence you need to deal with any situation that has made you feel trapped in the past. By using simple techniques you can learn at home, you can reverse the damages you have created in your life and create the lifestyle you really want.
Click Here to find out how you can learn anger management at home.Playing the Prosperity Game
Playing your way to Prosperity
The Prosperity Game Free to sign up and play I love playing this game
The world is awash in money! Do you hear what that means? It is awash in money. It is flowing for everyone. It is like Niagara Falls. And most of you are showing up with your teaspoons. -- Abraham-Hicks
Smiling is infectious, You catch it like the flu. When someone smiled at me today, I started smiling too. I passed around the corner, and someone saw my grin. When he smiled I realized, I'd passed it to him. I thought about that smile, then I realized its worth. A single smile just like mine, could travel the earth. So, if you feel a smile begin, don't leave it undetected. Let's start an epidemic quick, and get the world infected!
The Prosperity Game Free to sign up and play I love playing this game
The world is awash in money! Do you hear what that means? It is awash in money. It is flowing for everyone. It is like Niagara Falls. And most of you are showing up with your teaspoons. -- Abraham-Hicks
Smiling is infectious, You catch it like the flu. When someone smiled at me today, I started smiling too. I passed around the corner, and someone saw my grin. When he smiled I realized, I'd passed it to him. I thought about that smile, then I realized its worth. A single smile just like mine, could travel the earth. So, if you feel a smile begin, don't leave it undetected. Let's start an epidemic quick, and get the world infected!
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
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